XXAI Token & Tokenomics


Since every cryptocurrency exchange order book consists of orders with different rates, automated trading modules face a purchase/selling order execution priority dilemma. Our own token will overcome the fundamental problem we have faced and offers some benefits to token holders as well. Users would be able to control their place in the queue by the sale or purchase of tokens due to a constant number of tokens. Due to the unequal distribution of tokens between holders, the system would have a method for measuring those users' queues. As his orders will be executed sooner and at a more desirable price, the position in this queue will decide the future benefit of the token holder.

XXAI Tokenomics


Amount of tokens


Total Supply

1,000,000,000 XXAI



400,000,000 XXAI


Pancake Swap

120,000,000 XXAI



400,000,000 XXAI



50,000,000 XXAI



30,000,000 XXAI


We're implementing the ecosystem user concept. A variety of ecosystem modules and utilities have a free trial duration. However the user needs to be the holder of at least 1 XXAI token to use the trial period of trading modules (the most common ecosystem tool).

It produces a sort of closure and gives exclusivity to the token. We want every trader to strive for an XXAI token that guarantees access to all the services of the ecosystem.

You can get to know the position and functions of tokens in all the modules of the ecosystem here. We want to be fully incorporated into the method of using our services with the XXAI token.

Last updated

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